Andrea Giomi




Revue Loxias n.11 : Corps, son et technologies entre théories et pratiques (with Cyril Délécraz and Alessandra Sini)



“Feedback sonore, médiation technologique et interactivité. L’émergence d’une nouvelle anatomie corporelle” in X. Hautbois, M. Laliberté, L. Stransky and V. Stransky, L’émergence en musique : dialogue des sciences: 74–93.

“Étendre la conscience du geste. Nouvelles technologies et feedback multimodaux dans la pédagogie de la danse” in V. Journeau and C. Kayser, Penser l’art du geste en résonance entre les arts et les cultures: 363–383.



“Fluid Anatomies and Technological Alterities: On Postanatomical Aesthetics in Contemporary Performance Art” in Matter: Journal of New Materialist Research (July 2024).


Frequencies of gesture. Archiving and Re-Embodying Kinesthetic Traces Through Technical Inscription into Sound and Image in International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, Routledge.

“A Phenomenological Approach to Wearable Technologies and Viscerality. From Embodied Interaction to Bio-Physical Music Performance” in Organised Sound, Cambridge University Press.


Immersion as Ideology: A Critical Genealogy of Immersivity in Digital Arts, Aesthetics and Culture” in Azimut. Philosophical Coordinates in Modern and Contemporary Age, n. 2 « Immersivity. Philosophical Perspectives on Technologically Mediated Experience», 197– 215.


“Du field recording à l’art de la sonification. Nouveaux enjeux éthico-esthétiques entre conscience environnementale, activisme et écologie sonore” in Revue Filigrane, n.26 : « À l’écoute des lieux : le field recording comme pratique artistique et activisme écologique ».

“L’écoute du geste et sa perception. Pour une lecture sonore du mouvement dansé à partir de la sonification en temps réel” in Recherche en danse, n.10 : « Observer, analyser et dire le geste dansé ».

Virtual Embodiment. An Understanding of the Influence of Merleau-Ponty’s Philosophy of Technology on Performance and Digital Media” in Chiasmi International, 22 « Mirrors and Other Technologies », 297–314.


“Towards an Ontology of Digital Arts. Media Environments, Interactive Processes and Effects of Presence” in Rivista di Estetica : New Ontologies of Art, 1/2020: 47–65.


“The Case for an Embodied Approach to Listening. Bodies, Technologies and Percepetion” in Hybrid. Revue des arts et des médiations humaines, n.6 L’écoute.

“Pour une approche de l’écoute incarnée. Corps, technologies et perception” in Hybrid. Revue des arts et des médiations humaines, n.6 L’écoute.

“Le concept de matériau entre musiques savantes et musiques actuelles – Le cas de ReComposed” in Musimédiane, n.11.


“Percezione aptica, feedback sonoro e mediazione tecnologica. Uno studio fenomenologico sui processi d’integrazione multimodale nell’ambito della pedagogia della danza” in Danza e Ricerca. Laboratorio di studi, scritture, visioni, n.9: 245–272.

“From Haptic Perception to Movement. A Phenomenological Study on Sound and Technological Mediation in Dance Pedagogy” in REPERTÓRIO: Teatro & Dança, n.28: 342–361.


“L’eco sonora del gesto. Appunti per una ricerca sperimentale sul concetto di corpo sonoro” in De Musica n.18: 1–28.


“La voce e la risonanza. Dal grido in una caverna alla performance di Stimmung in De Musica n.16: 50–98.



“De l’intermédialité au nouveau matérialisme. L’esthétique postanatomique pour la scène contemporaine in Journées d’informatique théâtrale (JIT '22), Lyon, FR.


“You Fight! Digital Swarms, Gaze and Presence in Kokoschka Revival’s Multimedia Theater Performance” in Journées d’informatique théâtrale (JIT '20), Grenoble, FR.


“Somatic Sonification in Dance Performances. From the Artistic to the Perceptual and Back” in Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Movement Computing (MOCO '20), New Jersey, NJ, ACM.

“Towards an Interactive Model-Based Sonification of Hand Gesture for Dance Performance” in Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME '20), Birmingham, UK, 369–374 (with James Leonard).


“Listening Touch. A Case Study about Multimodal Awareness in Movement Analysis with Interactive Sound Feedbacks” in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Movement Computing (MOCO ’18), Genova, IT, ACM (with Federica Fratagnoli).